Articles on: Settings

Change your form type, PopUp or Embedded.

You can customize how your order form appears in your store, choosing between a PopUp order form or an embedded form.

Follow this guide to see how you can do that.
Go to Settings
Then Form Type & Button
On Change your form mode section, choose if you want your form to show as a Pop-up Form or Embedded Form.

Pop-up Form

Select this option to open the form as a popup when the COD button is clicked.

1- Configure your Pop-Up from to order multiple products (default setting) or only the product on the current page.

2- Customize the popup button

Go to Settings
Then Form Type & Button
On Change your form mode section, make sure Pop-up Form is chosen.
Scroll down to Customize the button that opens the Pop-up Form section.
You can customize the button text, button subtitle and Icon, text color, size and style...

3- Enable or disable the sticky button and Activate full-screen mode.

Select Enable Sticky Button (Mobile only) to incorporate a sticky Cash On Delivery (COD) button for mobile, then choose where to show the sticky COD button, either at the top or the bottom of your store page.
Enable Turn On Full Screen Mode on Mobile Device to display your Cash On Delivery (COD) order form in full screen mode on mobile devices.

Here is what your Pop-Up form will look like:

Here is how your form will appear in Full Screen Mode on a Mobile Device:

Embedded Form

This option displays the form directly on the page, eliminating the need to click a button to open it.

Please note that with the embedded form, your customers can only order the product on the current page.

Here is what your embedded form will look like:

ℹ️ If need any further information or you need any kind of help, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat or WhatsApp from the app 😎

Updated on: 12/12/2023