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How to change my store currency format?

Follow the steps bellow to change your store currency format.

1- From your Shopify admin, go to Settings.

Tyslo EasySell - change currency format 1

2- Click Store details.

Tyslo EasySell - change currency format 2

3- In the Store currency section, click Change formatting.

Tyslo EasySell - change currency format 3

4- Replace {{ amount }} with the currency format that you want to use and click save.

In each of the fields, replace {{ amount }} with the currency format that you want to use from the currency formatting options table:
Money formatExample
{{ amount }}1,134.65
{{ amount_no_decimals }}1,135
{{ amount_with_comma_separator }}1.134,65
{{ amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator }}1.135
{{ amount_with_apostrophe_separator }}1'134.65

The format used by the COD order form is in the HTML with currency field.

Tyslo EasySell - change currency format 4

ℹ️ If need any further information or you need any kind of help, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat or WhatsApp from the app 😎

Updated on: 09/12/2022