Articles on: Form builder
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How to add a Shopify Checkout button to EasySell order form?

The Shopify Checkout button will redirect the customer to the Shopify checkout page to complete their order. The checkout information will be pre-filled with the details they entered in the form. Furthermore, you will be able to benefit from other features such as quantity offers and downsells.

Add "Shopify Checkout button"

You can easily add a Shopify Checkout button to EasySell order form, here is how you can do that:
Go to Form Builder
On the Form section end, click the + Add new fields button
Select Custom fields
Then choose Shopify checkout Button
Save your changes

Customize "Shopify Checkout button"

You can customize the Shopify Checkout button, and change:
- Label
- Subtitle
- Discount on prepaid orders (Discount type and value)
- Background color
- Button animation
- Icon
- Text color, size and style
- Border color, width, corners and shadow

[optional] Rename the button which opens the form, informing the customer that payment can be made either through cash on delivery or online

Go to Form Builder
On Buy Button section
Change the button name as desired
Save your changes

Final result

ℹ️ If need any further information or you need any kind of help, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat or WhatsApp from the app 😎

Updated on: 21/05/2024