How to add cart content and order summary to your order form?
Cart Content field will show the products currently on cart, Order Summary field will show information about customer order.
Here's how to proceed:
Go to Form Builder
On the Form section end, click the + Add new fields button
Select Shopify fields
Then choose Cart content
Save your changes
Here's how to proceed:
Go to Form Builder
On the Form section end, click the + Add new fields button
Select Shopify fields
Then choose Order summary
Click on ✎ edit button on the Order Summary field
Change order summary labels (subtotal, shipping, discount, total) as you desire
Check / Uncheck the Show taxes message option to show or not taxes message you want
Save your changes
ℹ️ If need any further information or you need any kind of help, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat or WhatsApp from the app 😎
Add Cart content field
Here's how to proceed:
Go to Form Builder
On the Form section end, click the + Add new fields button
Select Shopify fields
Then choose Cart content
Save your changes
Add Order Summary field
Here's how to proceed:
Go to Form Builder
On the Form section end, click the + Add new fields button
Select Shopify fields
Then choose Order summary
Click on ✎ edit button on the Order Summary field
Change order summary labels (subtotal, shipping, discount, total) as you desire
Check / Uncheck the Show taxes message option to show or not taxes message you want
Save your changes
ℹ️ If need any further information or you need any kind of help, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat or WhatsApp from the app 😎
Updated on: 26/06/2024