Articles on: Form builder

How to autofill state based on pincode (India only)?

You can autofill the state based on Pincode in EasySell, to do that follow the steps below:

Note that this feature is available for India only

Add the fields for 'Postal Code' and 'Province(State)' to your order form

Go to Form Builder
On Form elements click on Shopify fields tab
Then click on +Add next to both fields Postal Code, and Province (State)

Tyslo EasySell - Add Province and Postal codes fields

Make Provinces as a list

Select your Province (State) on Form builder
Check the option Display as a select list on Edit: Province (State) section
Save your changes

Tyslo EasySell - Display Provinces as a list

Autofill state based on pincode

Select your Province (State) on Form builder
Check the option Autofill state based on pincode on Edit: Postal code section
Save your changes

Tyslo EasySell - Autofill state based on pincode

ℹ️ If need any further information or you need any kind of help, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat or WhatsApp from the app 😎

Updated on: 24/05/2023