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How to add an additional fee to Cash On Delivery (COD) orders?

You may charge an additional fee when the customer chooses to pay for the item C.O.D. instead of paying in advance.

Follow the steps below to add the additional charge to COD orders.

Go to Settings.
Then General.
Scroll to the Add an additional charge to COD orders section.
Check the Charge an additional fee on orders placed through the form option.
Now you can choose to charge a Fixed fee, or a Percentage of the total order amount, enter the value you want depending on your choice.
Next fill in the Name of the charge that will be shown to your customers when they choose the cash on delivery method of payment.
Check Apply tax to cash on delivery fee if you want Shopify to apply tax to this fee.

ℹ️ If you need more information or need any kind of help, do not hesitate to contact us through the chat or WhatsApp of the app 😎

Updated on: 03/06/2024