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How to limit the availability of Cash on Delivery to certain postal codes that you serve?

You can limit the availability of Cash on Delivery to specific postal codes, EasySell order form will only accept allowed postal codes, follow the steps bellow to do that.

Limit where Cash on Delivery is available

Go to Settings
Then Advanced
Scroll down to Postal codes section
Check the Limit where Cash on Delivery is available by postal code checkbox field
Now the configuration section is shown, you have two options to choose from: 1- Allow orders from the following postal codes (Whitelist), OR 2- Do not allow orders from the following postal codes (Blacklist)
The final step is to upload a text file containing your postal codes based on the option you have chosen.

File format

Create a text file (.txt) with your postal codes separated by new line, here is an example:

Tyslo EasySell - Postal codes example

The file size must not exceed 512 KB.

ℹ️ If need any further information or you need any kind of help, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat or WhatsApp from the app 😎

Updated on: 21/05/2024