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How to prevent fake orders by blocking orders from certain IP addresses, phone numbers, or emails?

EasySell Orders Blocker allow you to limit orders for certain IP addresses, phone numbers, or emails. it will help you block fraudulent customers and prevent upcoming fake orders.

Here is how you can do that
Go to Settings
Then click on General
Scroll down to Orders Blocker by IP Address, Phone or Email section

1- Allow only a number of orders per IP address within a number of hours

To limit excessive orders from the same IP address, you can set a restriction on the number of orders allowed within a certain timeframe. For example, each IP address can place only one order per hour.

Go to the Orders Blocker by IP Address, Phone or Email section
Check the Only allow X orders per IP address within X hours option.
Then, specify the desired number of orders and the time frame in hours.
Save your changes

To avoid being affected by the order limit, be sure to add your IP address and that of your staff to the "Allowed IP addresses" block. Otherwise, this option will limit the number of orders for everyone, including you.

2- Block orders if the combined product quantity exceeds X

Restrict orders if the total quantity of products exceeds the specified amount.

3- Add IP Addresses to allow or to block

Enter a list of IP addresses that you want to allow (for example yours if you have option 1 enabled). You can also enter a list of IP addresses that you want to block, separating each address with a new line.

4- How to get your client IP address

To block a suspicious client that you think is making fake orders, you need to know their IP address first. Here's how to get it.

Go to Settings
Then Advanced
Scroll down to Form options
Select Include the client's IP Address on the order note option,
Save your changes

Now go to your Shopify Admin, then Orders, click on the client's order, on Additional details you will find the IP address.

5- Block suspicious phone numbers or emails

Here you can also enter a list of phone numbers or Emails that you want to block, separating each one with a new line.

6- Add a message to be shown to blocked customers

Enter the message you want to show when the customer is blocked or leave it empty if you don't want to show a message.

ℹ️ If need any further information or you need any kind of help, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat or WhatsApp from the app 😎

Updated on: 26/06/2024